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Migrating from Customer Profile API v0 to v2

To read more about the two versions of the Customer Profile API, see the OpenAPI specifications provided here:


Before you start the migration process, ensure that you have:

  1. Checked current API calls to customer_profile from your integration
  2. Found the impacted fields as listed in the sections below.

List of changes


The authentication process for V2 is different then v0. Check the following links to get started with it:

Name fields

In the new Customer API v2, there are 2 naming conventions for customer profiles:

  • Full Name field: Concatenate the name fields and use just one field full_name when creating or updating a customer profile.

    Update any usage of the pair of fields first_name and last_name in the old version of the API with the new full_name field.

  • First Name and Last Name fields: Retain the usage of the first_name and last_name fields.

    This option is useful if you have downstream applications that rely on these 2 fields and you prefer not changing to a single full_name field.

Phone numbers

Add error handling for phone number validation to your code if you create or update a profile.

The country code of the phone number is now part of the phone number. The field country_code in the old version of the API is now obsolete and is not returned. Use the phone_number field as is in v2.

The Customer API v2 includes enhanced phone number validation by conforming to the E.164 standard. See Customer profile .

Deprecated fields

For store_name,

Use the field store_id and this method to get the required details.

For created_by_name,

Use the field created_by and this method to get the required details.

For addresses,

Use the GET addresses method to get the addresses for a customer profile.

Extended attributes

The format for extended attributes has now changed from an array to a map.

In v0 this looked like:

"name": "string",
"value": "string"

In v2, the extended attributes look like this:

"loyalty_id": {
"data_type": "string",
"value": "0123456789"

A new field data_type has been added to represent the data returned. The value is always stored as a string, but you can now specify the type of data you are storing in the value field.

Updating a customer profile

When updating a customer profile, use the HTTP PATCH method in v2 instead of the PUT method in v0.

You no longer need to provide a value for the revision field for the update. Instead, you must include a last_updated_at field, which will be compared with the current value of the updated_at field in the profile.

The 2 fields must have the same value, otherwise the server returns a 409 conflict error, as shown here:

"message": "conflict",
"request_id": "7b2e635a-3a02-49df-98fb-46438e3fe842"

Requesting deletion of a customer profile

To request a customer profile deletion in v2 you'll use need to use this POST method instead of this POST method in v0. with the following body:

"operation": "delete"

FAQs on the impact of migration

This section describes the Frequently Asked Questions on the impact of migration on retailers.

What changes do you expect in the event stream?

There are no changes in the Event Stream. The first step is to move the API to a newer version.

If you have already moved to v2:

  • The full_name field is split by the first space. Everything before the first space is saved as first_name, and everything after that is saved as last_name.
  • The address type is set to shipping.

What happens when you inject orders with customer profiles?

The order injection feature is integrated with the new API and it correctly imports profiles. Contact the support team for any help with troubleshooting.

What happens when you inject orders with shipping and billing addresses?

The order injection feature is integrated with the new API and it correctly imports addresses. Contact the support team for any help with troubleshooting.

How does the data migration affect the names and phone numbers of customers?

  • The migration of customer names is not needed. Only the API layer has been changed for now. The persistence layer will follow after we migrate all interfaces.

  • The migration of customer phone numbers is not needed either. Even if invalid phone numbers are present (the API returns invalid phone numbers, if available), Omnichannel Manager and Associate App are not affected. However, if you try to create and update customer profiles with invalid phone numbers, the apps will display error messages.

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