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External OMS Config API (v0)

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Use this API to configure NewStore as a secondary order management system for retailers, to allow them to continue using their legacy order management system (OMS) for primary order fulfillment tasks.

When NewStore is the secondary OMS for your business, it provides the following features from the perspective of order routing and fulfillment:

  • Order placement and returns via NewStore Associate App. Orders placed via the app are then routed to the external OMS for fulfillment.
  • Managing payments for in-store purchase orders.
  • Store fulfillment and handling shipping for orders fulfilled via stores.
  • Inventory management of stores, as NewStore will be the inventory master for your business in the stores.

The external or legacy OMS is responsible for the following in your business:

  • ATP, order routing, order modifications, and customer support.
  • Rerouting rejected store fulfillment orders.
  • Handling shipping for orders fulfilled from a DC or warehouse.
  • Managing payments for all order fulfillment scenarios except in-store purchases.

Get external OMS configuration

Retrieves the current configuration for the external order management system enabled for the retailer.



Response samples

Content type
  • "enabled": true

Enable external OMS configuration

Specify that the retailer will use an external order management system configuration for order fulfillment.

If you want to disable the external OMS for the retailer, in the request payload, specify false as the value for the enabled property.

Note: To understand what NewStore is responsible for when it is the secondary OMS for your business, see the resource definition.

Request Body schema: application/json

Specifies if the tenant is using an external OMS.


Request samples

Content type
  • "enabled": true

Response samples

Content type
  • "enabled": true