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Configuring an external OMS

In some scenarios, you may want to continue using a legacy order management system (OMS) for primary order fulfillment tasks, and configure NewStore as the secondary OMS for your business.

For more information on using an external OMS to fulfill orders in your business, see Using an external OMS to fulfill orders .

To retrieve the external OMS configuration set up for your business, use the Get external OMS config method.

To enable or disable an external OMS for your business, use the Enable external OMS config method, and set the enabled property to true.


When you use an external OMS, ensure that you know the limitations around product ATP, store fulfillment, and shipping. See this config section and this general overview .

Configuring ATP via an external OMS​

In some scenarios you may want to continue using a legacy

external OMS to fulfill orders in your business, and use NewStore as the secondary OMS. In such cases, NewStore uses the [Availability webhook](/api/webhooks/availability_hook) to retrieve information on product ATP from the external OMS. NewStore does not maintain the ATP of products for your business in such cases.

To retrieve the webhook config for ATP information, use the Get webhook config method.

To update the webhook config to retrieve ATP information for products, use the Update webhook config method:

  • In the url property, specify the URL that will be called via the webhook by NewStore.

  • In the api_key property, specify the API key to be used for authenticating the requests.

  • In the external_identifier property, specify the type of product identifier that the integration will check for when retrieving ATP information.


    Currently, you can only specify product_id as the external identifier for products.

  • In the timeout property, specify the timeout limit in seconds for the request.

After the webhook config has been set, use the Enable config to request external ATP data method and set value to true to start requesting ATP data from the external OMS. To retrieve the current configuration for your business, use the Get config to request external ATP data method.


If this configuration is disabled, NewStore uses the value for stock within the platform as ATP for products.

If you decide to stop using an external OMS to fulfill orders, and want to use NewStore to manage order fulfillment in your business, use the Delete webhook config method to delete the webhook configuration.


Ensure that NewStore maintains ATP for products in your business when you stop using an external OMS, and start using NewStore for order fulfillment tasks. See About order fulfillment .

Displaying external OMS orders in NewStore Associate App​

To display external OMS orders and purchase history for external OMS orders in NewStore Associate App:

  1. Use the Update app configuration method.
  2. Set use_new_om_ui to true.

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