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Configuring returns

Use these configurations to set up options that apply to returns in the NewStore platform. These include:

To set up these configurations, use the Update item return config or Replace item return config method.

To view the return configuration set up for returns in the platform, use the Get item return config method.

Configuring a return window

You can configure a time period for returns for orders in your business. For example, you can specify that items can only be returned within 30 days from purchase.

If enabled, if items are returned after the return time window expires, an error is displayed in NewStore Associate App.

To configure a time window for returns:

  1. Use the Update item return config or Replace item return config method.

  2. Specify the value of the time window in return_window.

    For example, specify 90 to enable items to be returned in your business within 90 days from the date of purchase.

Configuring return fees

You can set up fees for returns made in your business. This return fee may be used for re-stocking or other operations in the store.

To specify a fee for returns:

  1. Use the Update item return config or Replace item return config method.

  2. Specify the fees for returns to be made in your business in return_fee. The fees assume the same currency that is specified for the order.

    For example, specify 10 to enable items to be returned in your business for a fee of USD 10, if the order currency is in USD.

Configuring automatic shipping cost refunds

When all items in an order are returned, you can specify that the shipping cost for the order is refunded to the customer. To set up automatic shipping cost refunds, see Configuring automatic shipping cost refunds .