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Importing orders

You can import two kinds of orders into NewStore Omnichannel Cloud, from external systems such as your E-Commerce system, consumer applications or POS systems:

  • Current orders are live orders that are yet to be fulfilled. Importing a current order indicates a request to fulfill the order via NewStore.

    Use the create order method to import orders.

  • Historical orders are past orders that have already been fulfilled. Importing past orders allows you to support returns and exchanges for orders originally transacted in other systems. Past orders imported into NewStore Omnichannel Cloud are added to the customer's order history.

    Use the Import historical order method to import historical orders.


Importing orders can sometimes take longer than usual, depending on the import queue load. If you want to import historical orders within a specific timeline, NewStore recommends that you start importing these orders in advance, keeping possible delays in mind.

Any new address information for an existing customer is added to the customer's profile. If an imported order contains an email address that doesn't exist in NewStore Omnichannel Cloud, a new customer is created for the address.

Customer profile​

When importing an order, NewStore automatically manages customer profile information by performing the following actions:

  • For new customer profiles, the import creates the customer profile using the details provided in the order.
  • For existing customer profiles, injected orders are attached to the profile. Customer profile data remains unchanged.

To ensure high-quality customer data, NewStore also attempts to standardize phone numbers to the E.164 format during injection for new customer profiles. This format requires the country code and "+" sign followed by the national number (e.g. +15555551234 for USA or Canada). This process follows the logic in the sections Rules for creating new profiles and Rules for existing customers.

Note: If an imported order contains an email address that doesn't exist in NOM, a new customer is created for the address.

Rules for creating new profiles​

When the customer profile provided in the import data does not exist yet in the NewStore platform, the following rules apply:

  • If no phone number is provided with the order, NewStore creates the new customer profile without a phone number.
  • If an E.164 format phone number is provided, NewStore creates the new customer profile with the provided phone number.
  • If a non-E.164 format phone number is provided, NewStore attempts to convert it into the E.164 format.
    • If successful, it then creates a new customer profile with the converted phone number.
    • If unsuccessful, it then creates a new customer profile with the non E.164 phone number stored as an extended attribute named `injected-invalid-phone-number".

Rules for existing customers​

NewStore attaches the order(s) to existing profiles. Customer profile data remains unchanged.

How order import works​

sequenceDiagram participant E as External system participant N as NewStore Note over E,N: Current orders activate E E->>N: /routing_options (POST) N-->>E: Shipping offer token deactivate E Note over E,N: Current and historical orders activate E E->>N: /fulfill_order (POST) N-->>E: Response code 200, 400 deactivate E

Usage guidelines​

  • Only one order can be imported in a request.
  • An order can only contain one shipping address and one billing address.
  • An order can contain up to 5 shipments, and each shipment can contain up to a 100 items.
  • An order can contain only one shipment if the shipping option type is identified by a service level identifier. To import an order with multiple shipments, include the shipping offer token for each shipment.
  • A shipment in the order cannot contain more than one shipping discount.
  • An item cannot have more than one item-level discount.
  • An order cannot have more than one order-level discount.
  • Payments that are neither authorized nor captured (tokens) are not supported.


See the Create order method to see various examples of orders that can be imported.

Importing orders with many items​

Based on the order quantity limits set for your business in NewStore Omnichannel Cloud, orders can either be routed immediately, put on hold or automatically canceled. The soft limit and the limit for orders determine the maximum number of items orders can contain in your business. For example, if the soft limit is 300 and the limit is 800, orders with up to 299 items are routed immediately.

Orders with items between 300 and 799 are placed on hold and require approval before they are routed to a location for fulfillment.

Orders with more than 799 items are automatically canceled and not imported.

For help with configuring order quantity limits for your business, contact the support team.

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