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Configuring payment options

Retailers and partners can define which payment options should be available for store associates as part of the payment process during checkout. The available payment options can be configured for the business globally or for each store.

Configuring payment options for a retailer

Technical configuration
The following section involves working with technical configurations and APIs. Contact your IT support team for more information.

Use the Get payment options configuration method to retrieve the payment options available to store associates in your business, during checkout in NewStore Associate App.

To update the list of payment options, use the payment_options key in the Update payment options configuration method to specify an updated list of payment options.

As of Associate App v.1.51.0, the payment options available are:

  • adyen_terminal - This payment option is available for retailers where NewStore is integrated with Adyen as the payment provider. The Associate App displays the payment option as "Credit Card Reader" and "Manual Credit Card Reader".
  • cash - This payment option is available for retailers that accept cash as a form of payment. The Associate App displays the payment option as 'Cash'.
  • gift_card - This payment option is available for retailers that accept gift cards as a form of payment. It does not impact issuance or sales of gift cards as products. The Associate App displays the payment option as "gift Card".
  • adyen_pos - This payment option is available for retailers with Adyen as the payment provider, and Tap to Pay on iPhone is an approved Adyen feature. Contact Adyen to know about enabling Tap to Pay on iPhone for your tenant account. The Associate App displays the payment option as "Tap to Pay on iPhone".
  • adyen_pay_by_link - This payment option is available for retailers using the NewStore Checkout option to accept in-store payments using a QR code via customer phone. The Associate App displays the payment option as "Customer Phone".
  • non_integrated - This payment option is available for retailers with stores or locations where the payment systems are not integrated with NewStore. There may be a specific payment system, such as employee purchase plans, unique credit card processing systems, or geographies where no integrated payment option is available for NewStore. In these situations, retailers can leverage the non_integrated (external payment) option to use the NewStore Associate App to process orders and fulfill the payment transactions outside the NewStore platform. The Associate App displays the payment option as "External Payment".

By default, retailers using NewStore Clienteling and Remote Selling use adyen_pay_by_link. Enabling the payment option for in-store payments will not impact clienteling.

Configuring payment options globally

To enable payment options within the NewStore Associate App globally for all stores:

  1. Go to the payment_options key in the Update payment options configuration method.
  2. Add the specific payment options from the list above to the list of payment options applicable for your business.

This adds the specific payment option to the list of payment options in NewStore Associate App, and allows associates to accept specific payment options when completing the checkout process. For more information, see Choosing a payment option .

Configuring payment options for a specific store

To enable payment options for a specific store:

  1. Use the Get payment options configuration method to retrieve the payment options available to store associates in your business, for a specific store in your business.

  2. To update the list of payment options for the store (specified in store_id), use the store_mapping > payment_options key in the Update payment options configuration method to specify an updated list of payment options.

For example, specify adyen_pos as one of the available payment options in payment_options for the store (specified in store_id), where the Tap to Pay on iPhone payment is to be enabled.


When configured at a store level, the store level configuration overrides the global setting.

Configuring and using granular external payment options

Supported from
This feature is supported from Associate App v1.51.0 and later.

Prior to the release of Associate App 1.51.0, retailers using the non_integrated/External Payment option had only a single payment or refund option in the Associate App. After upgrading to Associate App version 1.51.0, retailers who do not want granular external payment options need not alter their existing configurations.

Retailers who choose to use more granular external payment options as part of the Associate App, along with the ability to track these granular payment options, must make the following configuration changes to enhance their store associate experience and their back office reconciliation data and visibility.

This added flexibility and granularity provides retailers with better reconciliation visibility and tracking within NewStore and their ERP platforms.

To create granular payment methods for external payments, use the Update Payment Options Configuration and follow the steps below:

  1. Decide whether the configuration levels for non-integrated payment options will be global or store-specific.
  2. Add non_integrated to the list of payment options at the appropriate level.
  3. Define the non_integrated_methods_definition object, which will map custom granular payment methods to a key (used for event stream and payloads).
  4. Now, set up the non_integrated_methods list for each store you want to display granular external methods in, or on the global level if you want to display the same in every store. This list will reference the methods you created definitions for by key.

This configuration adds the External Payment option to the NewStore Associate App's payment options list and enables the user to display and select from a listing of granular payment methods under the External Payment option.

Visibility of external payment transactions

Retailers can validate and monitor external payment transactions and the specific granular payment methods used in them. Transactional details are available via the NewStore Omnichannel Manager, event stream, payment APIs, and NewStore Insights.

NewStore Omnichannel Manager visibility

The NewStore Omnichannel Manager provides payment visibility on orders where external payments have been applied. For these transactions, the user is shown the specific external payment method selected and the amount processed per payment method.

API usage and visibility

Within the payment accounts API, the property name used in external payments is mapped to the method object and non_integrated is mapped to the PSP object. 

Event stream visibility

As part of the NewStore event stream schema, external payment information can continue to be found under instruments > payment_method.

NewStore insights visibility

For reporting purposes in omnichannel insights, the "Payment Method" column reflects the "property name" used in external payments.

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