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Integrating Salesforce Commerce Cloud

NewStore provides a cartridge int_newstore to help you create an integration that connects your shopfront in Salesforce Commerce Cloud to NewStore Omnichannel Cloud.

Use the following tutorials to understand business scenarios on mapping Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) data with NewStore data.

Importing catalog from Salesforce Commerce Cloud​

Importing Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) Catalog into the NewStore platform is a multi-step process and involves integrators from both sides; SFCC and NewStore.

SFCC NewStore integration contains the following components:

  • SFCC cartridge

  • SFCC connector

  • The NewStore platform

  • Amazon Web Service (AWS) S3 bucket in NewStore

  • Third-party applications such as Camaro and Ditto


For the general product import information, see the multi-locale mapping example .

Step 1: Importing the catalog XML file​

The process of transforming the new Catalog XML file into a NewStore-compatible JSON file is automated by the SFCC cartridge that performs the following operations:

  1. Requests an access token from NewStore for the tenant, SFCC.

  2. Checks the mapping configuration file uploaded by the NewStore integrator.

  3. Receives an XML-upload URL from NewStore.

  4. Uploads the new Catalog XML file to the NewStore S3 bucket.

The communication between SFCC cartridge and the NewStore platform happens only via SFCC connector.

Interactions between SFCC cartridge and SFCC connector

  1. The SFCC cartridge creates a new catalog export job using NewStore SFCC Integration API.

  2. After receiving the upload URL from NewStore, the SFCC cartridge uploads XML file to the S3 bucket in NewStore. The uploaded XML remains in queue.

  3. The SFCC connector receives a message that file is uploaded to the S3 bucket. It allows the NewStore integrator to convert the XML file into a NewStore-compatible JSON file using the third-party apps.

  4. Then the SFCC connector imports data from SFCC to NewStore using Import data API.

Step 2: Creating a mapping configuration file​

NewStore integrator performs the following operations:

  1. Requests a new Catalog XML file from SFCC.


    <image-group view-type="large">
    <image path="large/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.PZ.jpg"/>
    <image path="large/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.BZ.jpg"/>
    <image-group view-type="large" variation-value="CHARCWL">
    <image path="large/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.PZ.jpg"/>
    <image path="large/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.BZ.jpg"/>
    <image-group view-type="large" variation-value="RED">
    <image path="large/PG.10255090.JJ1SAXX.PZ.jpg"/>
    <image path="large/PG.10255090.JJ1SAXX.PZ.jpg"/>
    <image-group view-type="medium">
    <image path="medium/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.PZ.jpg"/>
    <image path="medium/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.BZ.jpg"/>
    <image-group view-type="medium" variation-value="CHARCWL">
    <image path="medium/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.PZ.jpg"/>
    <image path="medium/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.BZ.jpg"/>
    <image-group view-type="small">
    <image path="small/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.PZ.jpg"/>
    <image path="small/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.BZ.jpg"/>
    <image-group view-type="small" variation-value="CHARCWL">
    <image path="small/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.PZ.jpg"/>
    <image path="small/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.BZ.jpg"/>
    <image-group view-type="swatch" variation-value="CHARCWL">
    <image path="swatch/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.CP.jpg"/>
  2. Checks with NewStore for any custom attributes for mapping.

  1. Creates a mapping configuration file and uploads it to the S3 bucket using Mapping Configuration API.


     "images": {
    "include": [
    "is_swatch_view_type": "swatch",
    "pathTemplate": "{{.}}",
    "placeHolder": {
    "is_color_swatch": false,
    "is_main": false,
    "url": ""
  2. Performs the data mapping and import.

Step 3: Catalog mapping​

At this step, both, NewStore and SFCC integrators communicate and check the mappings.

  1. Map the Catalog XML file with the mapping configuration file.


    Transformation of the XML file into the NewStore-compatible JSON file happens through the third-party apps such as:

    • Camaro to convert SFCC XML file to SFCC JSON file.

    • Ditto to map SFCC JSON schema with the NewStore mapping configuration JSON schema.

  2. Perform the mappings for all other attributes. For example, see the NewStore-compatible image mapping JSON file as shown below:

    "images": [
    "is_color_swatch": false,
    "is_main": false,
    "url": ">Sites-apparel-m-catalog/default/dwe9c9a85f/images/large/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.PZ.jpg"
    "is_color_swatch": false,
    "is_main": false,
    "url": ">Sites-apparel-m-catalog/default/dwe9c9a85f/images/large/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.BZ.jpg"
    "is_color_swatch": false,
    "is_main": false,
    "url": ">Sites-apparel-m-catalog/default/dwe9c9a85f/images/small/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.PZ.jpg"
    "is_color_swatch": false,
    "is_main": false,
    "url": ">Sites-apparel-m-catalog/default/dwe9c9a85f/images/small/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.BZ.jpg"
    "is_color_swatch": false,
    "is_main": false,
    "url": ">Sites-apparel-m-catalog/default/dwe9c9a85f/images/swatch/PG.33330DAN84Q.CHARCWL.CP.jpg"

Step 4: Catalog import​

You can check the catalog import happening in the NewStore platform performed by SFCC connector.

  • To check the status of SFCC import job, see SFCC connector job.

  • To check the status of NewStore import job, go to Catalog > Imports > Catalog Imports page in Omnichannel Manager.

For more information on importing the NewStore-compatible JSON file into the NewStore platform, see this tutorial.

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