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Customizing an EasyPost adapter

If you work with multiple providers, NewStore Omnichannel Cloud offers integration capabilities with the EasyPost adapter.

If EasyPost is set up with an adapter that uses the NewStore shipping provider webhooks to provide shipping options for orders in your business, you can extend the adapter to customize shipment creation requests. This guide walks you through the ways to customize shipments via the EasyPost adapter.

For more information on the EasyPost adapter itself, or how to set up a shipping adapter, see Integrating a shipping provider .

EasyPost currently provides 2 options to customize a shipment request:

Additional static shipment options​

EasyPost shipments contain an options property that you can use to define various parameters within the shipment object. For more information, see the EasyPost specification for options.

You can also define static options for each shipping provider using the shipment_creation_options property in the Create or update EasyPost shipping configuration method. When NewStore creates the shipment request, it is sent to EasyPost with the schema for the shipping carrier configuration.

The EasyPost adapter overwrites the following properties in the configuration when receiving the shipping request from NewStore, during both the shipping estimation and booking phases:

  • print_custom_1: Used to specify the ID of an external order.
  • print_customer_1_code: Used to define the value in print_custom_1 property, which is a static value PO, which means Purchase Order.

Shipment customization provider​

To customize and manage default shipping estimation and booking workflows, you can create an HTTP shipment customization provider (SCP) service.

This adds a customization layer between the EasyPost adapter and EasyPost itself, and the following data is sent to the customization endpoint:

  • request_type: Can be one of shipping_offers or shipment. This property specifies if the request is to estimate shipping offers or to book a shipment via EasyPost.
  • request: Original data received by the EasyPost adapter.
  • shipment_payload: JSON payload prepared to create a shipment in EasyPost

The customized_payload expected as the response payload from the customization endpoint must match the format specified by the EasyPost API. For more information, see the EasyPost documentation. To avoid creating a shipment for a specific request, the response payload must contain an empty customized_payload object.

Creating a shipment customization provider​

To create a shipment customization provider (SCP) HTTP service, implement the following methods:

In the EasyPost adapter configuration API schema, the following properties impact the SCP web service:

  • base_customization_url - The URL to call the SCP web service, which can be either:

    • {base_customization_url}/shipping_options
    • {base_customization_url}/shipment
  • ignore_customization_failure_on_booking - Defines how the EasyPost adapter behaves if /shipment API call fails.

    • If set to True, when the call fails, the adapter considers that there is no customization adapter set up (with a shipment request created by the adapter itself).
    • If set to False, the adapter fails the entire delivery booking request with a customization_error error code.

    When estimating shipping offers, the shipping_options call failure is always ignored.


The following request payload format is expected by both methods:

"shipment_payload": {}

In this payload, the shipment_payload property is the shipment creation JSON object. See the EasyPost API docs. However, for the request property, the value changes based on the base_customization_url.

  • base_customization_url}/shipping_options: The request property is the original shipping options request received by the EasyPost adapter (see the Create shipping option schema).
  • base_customization_url}/shipment: The request property is the original shipment booking request received by the EasyPost adapter (see the API schema).

Both methods should return the following payload via a 2xx response:

"customized_payload": {}

In this payload, the customized_payload property is the EasyPost shipment creation object, see the EasyPost API docs.


See this example of a customization adapter for EasyPost.

import logging

from flask import Flask, request

app = Flask(__name__)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

@app.route('/shipping_options', methods=['POST'])
def customize_shipping_options_call():
original_request = request.json['request']
payload = request.json['shipment_payload']
customized_payload = payload.copy()
price = sum(item['item']['price']['amount'] * item['quantity']
for item in original_request['deliverables'])
if price >= 100:
customized_payload.setdefault('options', {})
customized_payload['options']['delivery_confirmation'] = 'SIGNATURE'
return {'customized_payload': customized_payload}, 200

@app.route('/shipment', methods=['POST'])
def customize_shipment_call():
original_request = request.json['request']
payload = request.json['shipment_payload']
customized_payload = payload.copy()
price = sum(item['price']['amount'] for item in original_request['items'])
if price >= 100:
customized_payload.setdefault('options', {})
customized_payload['options']['delivery_confirmation'] = 'SIGNATURE'
return {'customized_payload': customized_payload}, 200