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Using NewStore Associate App for sales metrics

  • Retailers can only enable the Sales Dashboard globally across all the stores in their business, and not for individual stores.

If enabled for your business, you can view detailed metrics on sales and business performance in the Sales Dashboard within the Associate App. The dashboard automatically displays data for the current day based on the store's local timezone, which includes sales and performance data for you and for the store you are currently assigned to. Data is fresh within minutes of an order or return occurring in a store.


Supported from
This feature is supported from Associate App v1.36.0 or later.
  • Associates can view the sales dashboard, if the feature has been enabled for them. NewStore provides the sales dashboard as a webview customization for Associate App.

  • Ensure that the required permissions have been assigned to you via NewStore Omnichannel Manager.


    Only users with the Admin role or the Manage Associate App permission in NewStore Omnichannel Manager can enable the sales dashboard.

Enabling the sales dashboard

To enable the Sales Dashboard using NewStore Omnichannel Manager:

  1. Login to NewStore Omnichannel Manager.
  2. Go to Settings > Associate App > Customizations.
  3. On the Associate App Customization overview page, locate Sales Dashboard.
  4. On the right side, click Enable for the Sales Dashboard if it is currently disabled. The status of the customization changes to Enabled.

For more information, see Managing Associate App customizations


Don't delete the Sales Dashboard customization or modify the webview customization URL for it, while enabling or disabling the Sales Dashboard.

Customizing the sales dashboard​

To customize the Sales Dashboard using NewStore Omnichannel Manager:

  1. Log in to NewStore Omnichannel Manager.
  2. Go to Insights > Associate App Setup.
  3. Adjust the settings based on business requirements.
  4. Choose the question mark for a given setting for clarity on what will change.
  5. After making the changes, click Save Settings.

Using the sales dashboard

To view the sales dashboard, login to Associate App and tap Selling > More > Sales Dashboard.

On the Sales Dashboard, choose either your view or store's view for more insights.

You can view the following metrics on the sales dashboard:

  • Last Update: The timeline on when the sales dashboard was updated last time.
  • Sales (Value): The number of completed orders which optionally includes tax.
  • Sales (Number of): The number of completed sales transactions today.
  • Products Sold: The number of items sold today.
  • Returns (Value): A value of items returned today based on the return location setting in Omnichannel Manager.
  • Returns (Number of): The number of items returned based on the return location setting in Omnichannel Manager.
  • AOV: The count of completed order value divided by number of orders.
  • Units Per Transaction: The count of items sold divided by completed orders.
  • Discounts (Value): A total value of all discounts.
  • Discounts (Number of): A total number of items with a discount.
  • Sales Goal: The percentage of today's Sales Goal accomplished.

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