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Accounting currency

The currency in which accounting transactions are calculated. This may differ from the currency that is used for customer-facing values, such as prices and invoices.

Accounts payable

(Also A/P)

A liability account to record all purchase order receipts.

Accounts receivable

(Also A/R)

An asset account to record invoices with no or insufficient payment. This occurs when an invoice is created and cannot be fully paid. For example, when merchandise is shipped and payment has been only partially or not at all received. Usually occurs when system supports payment plans and open invoice orders.

Anchor store

A store that draws customers into a mall or shopping center. Typically, one of the largest stores.


Inventory recording that adjusts the stock on hand to reflect product damage or theft and inventory temporarily moving out of the store, for example because of dry cleaning, fashion shoot, etc.

Advance Shipment Notice

(Also ASN, Shipment reference)

The notification to the receiving location of an in-transit shipment, with details of what the shipment contains and the expected time of arrival.


An action to improve the customer satisfaction triggered when a customer complains about the quality of goods or service. An appeasement often ends with a Refund or a Giftcard being issued. To see how NewStore manages appeasements, see Refunding orders or items in an order .


Characteristics of a retailer's stores or products which can vary. Retailers typically attribute their master data (stores and products) to enable rich analysis of their sales (for example, by product category, store demographics, etc.).

Attributed associate

An attributed associate is the store associate whom the sale was attributed to. In the absence of an attributed associate, a ringing associate is shown in any of the attributed fields.

To see how the sale attribution works for a given item in an order, see Using sales attribution for items documentation.

Auto replenishment

(Also Auto ship continuity program)

A program, agreed between retailer and customer, for replenishment of goods on a regular interval.

Available To Promise

(Also ATP, Available To Sell, or ATS)

The quantity of a product that can be promised for delivery. This number is calculated by subtracting the sum of all allocations, reservations, and safety stock quantity, from the stock on hand. At NewStore, ATP is also the sum of the current ATP and Future ATP .

If a retailer wants to disable a location from fulfilling orders, ATP for products at the location is reset to 0. The values calculated for stock on hand, allocations, reservations, and safety stock quantities for products at the location stay unchanged.

See Disabling locations from fulfilling orders , Exporting stock levels , and About order routing .

Back of house

The area in a retail establishment not accessible to customers, where associates might manage receiving, unpacking, processing, organizing, storing, packaging and labeling merchandise.

Backorder management

The process of handling a Backorder . This may include multiple tiers of logic:

  • Checking for the customer (cancel or waitlist the item)
  • Rejecting or canceling the item in the order
  • Adding the item to a customer waitlist and regularly querying for inventory availability (delayed fulfillment).
  • Inform the customer via CSR or store associate.


A customer order that cannot be fulfilled when placed and for which the customer is prepared to wait for some time. For example, a popular product may have run out of inventory, but you still want to keep selling it as there is demand. In this case, orders placed after you had run out of inventory are backorders.

Backorders are different from pre-orders. See Pre-order .

Big box store

A large store, usually, part of a major retail chain.

Big data

Analytics that require sophisticated programs and data scientists to make sense of it all. Not only about traffic or conversions, big data also includes analyzing behavior (open rates, time spent on site), demographic, social information (tweets, shares, ...), timing, etc.

Billing address

Address used for payments and invoices. See Editing customer details in Omnichannel Manager and Updating a customer profile in Associate App.

Bin level

Amount of stock in a specific warehouse location (Storage Bin).

Blind return

A return operation for which there is no recorded original order.


(Also BXGY or Buy X Get Y)

A type of Promotion where the customer buys an item and gets a fixed amount or percentage Discount on the associated item(s) defined in the BOGO promotion.

For example, a customer buys:

  • A shirt and gets a 70% discount on the cost of a pair of trousers.
  • A dress and gets a discount of USD 50 on a pair of stilettos.

Box carton

A box is used to pack all products which should be shipped to the customer's shipping address. A box may also contain items to be received into the store, or transferred from the store. The picking is created for each box, along with a shipping label.


Retailers who integrate their brick-and-mortar store with their e-commerce site.


A physical store presence for a retailer.


A set of products offered together at a single price, for example a camera with a specific lens at a promotional price. A bundle has no Stock-Keeping Unit (Stock-keeping unit ) because only its individual items are kept in stock.

Buy in store, return online

When a customer buys the items at a store, but has the possibility to return them online.


Competing with one's own products, that is to say when the sales of one product reduces the sales of another.

Card not present transaction

A type of payment card transaction made where the cardholder does not or cannot physically present the card for a merchant's visual examination at the time that an order is given and payment effected.


The box or container in which products arrive in the store. For example, this could be a brown box that is shipped to the store.

Cash drawer

A secured container where the cash transactions are kept secured.

Cash drawers are individual units separate from the rest of the cash register. A store can have one or more cash drawers. NewStore Associate App can integrate with cash drawers to lock and unlock them, amongst other features, see About cash management and Hardware support .

Also see Float .


The main checkout area of a brick-and-mortar store.


The aggregate of products, categories and one or more price books. See Catalog , Price book , and Searching for and filtering products in Omnichannel Manager.


(Also Product category)

An attribute of a product to classify in a hierarchy. For example, Men's Clothing → Pants → Chinos, or Men's Clothing → Pants → Jeans. Typically, categories are specific to a Channel .


(Also Sales channel)

A way of offering products or services to customers for sale. A sales channel can be direct if it involves a business selling directly to its customers, or it can be indirect if an intermediary such as a retailer or dealer is involved in selling the product to customers. See CSV columns in the order export .

Click and collect

(Also Click & collect, In-store pick up, or BOPIS)

When a customer buys online and picks up the items at a store or at an agreed upon location. See Prerouting to a specific location .


A customer-focused sales technique that aims to understand customer preferences and habits and form long lasting relationships with the customer.

Closing float

The cash amount that remains in the drawer at the end of the day, or in some cases a shift. In most cases, this cash does not physically remain in the cash drawer, but it represents the amount that is not included in the daily bank deposit. See Float and Opening float .

Cluster analysis

(Also Clustering)

Grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group (called a cluster) are more similar (in some sense or another) to each other than to those in other groups (clusters). The criteria of similarity or the number of clusters is potentially undetermined before the analysis.


A customer and a store associate shopping together, such as on Associate App.


A seasonal grouping of fashion outfits and garments that reflects predictions of upcoming trends, including color, cut line and proportion.

Commercial invoice

(Also Customs invoice)

A legal invoice document used for international shipments, that helps customs determine customs duties to be charged for the shipment. The invoice describes the product(s) contained in the shipment, and the amount charged from the customer by the retailer.


Organization or entity within a retailer that structures the sales process.


(Also Customer, Shopper, or Buyer)

An individual shopping for goods and services, for example in a retail store or online. See Creating a new customer .

Content Management System (CMS)

A software system that allows creating, editing, modifying and publishing information, such as text, pictures, audio or video content. It often also supports collaboration and discussion about the content.

Cost of goods sold

(Also COGS)

All the direct costs involved in buying, producing or transporting goods to be sold. This includes material, labor and any other overhead.

Cost of goods

An expense account to record the cost of goods for shipments that have occurred.

Cost price

The price for which goods are or have been bought by a merchant or retailer.

Count zone

The temporary zones prepared by the store staff before the full count, that contains products. A zone can be a drawer, a hanger or a table. The smaller the size (i.e., the number of units in a zone) and the larger the number of zones, the easier it is to balance the workload and check for discrepancies at the end.

Coupon voucher

Entitlement to a discount on the price of a product, order or a service. Retailers can require the presentation or redemption of the coupon at the time of purchase. Coupons can be used to track advertisement channels and campaigns. See Adding discounts and redeeming coupons in Associate App and Creating discounts and coupons (legacy) in Omnichannel Manager.

Credit note

The document issued to a customer as credit that can be offset against future purchases. For example, credit for returned merchandise can be issued as gift card balance or a store card credit.


The logistics practice of taking materials from a truck or railroad cars and loading them directly onto outbound trucks, trailers or rail cars with little or no storage in between the unloading and loading.


(Also Cross-merchandizing)

The practice of displaying products from different categories together to drive additional sales. Cross-selling allows suggesting related or complementary products to the customer.

Customer lifetime value

A prediction of the net profit attributed to the future relationship a retailer will have with a customer.

Customer Service Representative (CSR)

A tele-service representative who handles customer calls and contacts including account inquiries, complaints, or support calls.

Cycle count

An inventory auditing procedure which falls under inventory management, where a small subset of inventory, in a specific location, is counted on a specified day.

Dead stock

(Also Dead inventory)

Any merchandise that has never been sold or has been in inventory for a long time.

Deferred liability

A liability account to record receipt of payments without invoice. This occurs when a payment is received for an order that has not yet been invoiced.

Demand location

The store where an order was placed.

Device type

The type of device used by the customer to purchase. Typically desktop vs mobile.


A reduction in price, typically associated with a promotion. See Adding discounts and redeeming coupons in NewStore Associate App and Creating discounts and coupons (legacy) in NewStore Omnichannel Manager.

Distribution center

(Also DC, Warehouse)

A location that stocks products to be redistributed to other locations in your business or directly to customers. A distribution center is a principal part of the order fulfillment process.

Drop shipping

An arrangement between a retailer and a manufacturer/distributor in which the manufacturer/distributor ships the merchandise directly to the customer. The retailer doesn’t keep products in stock.

Dwell time

Duration a customer spends in the store. It is also used to quantify the time spent on a website.

Dynamic clustering

Identification of patterns or opportunities in diverse segments to bring about the best strategies for each cluster.

European Article Number

(Also EAN, International Article Number)

A world-wide unique number that identifies a product. The use of an EAN is more common but not restricted to Europe. EAN-13 is used to mark larger items and EAN-8 is used to mark smaller items, where the EAN-13 barcode might be too big. EAN is part of the GTIN standard and the terms might sometimes be used interchangebly.

E-commerce platform

A software application that allows online businesses to manage their website, sales and operations. See Importing orders .

Electronic Product Code

(Also EPC)

A universally unique identifier for an individual physical object anywhere in the world, for all time. Canonically represented as a URI, an EPC is not designed exclusively for use with RFID data carriers. To ensure uniqueness, an EPC combines a GTIN product identifier and a uniquely identified serial number.

Electronic retailing

(Also etailing)

The practice of selling goods over the Internet. Big player electronic retailers include Amazon and Zappos.


A prime retail space at the end of display aisles or at checkouts. Products placed on endcap typically sell faster than other locations in the store.

Endless aisle

Enabling a customer to access a product that is out-of-stock in the store, but available elsewhere in the retailer's supply chain (another store or warehouse). The product can then be ordered for delivery to the customer (home, office, in-store pickup).

Enterprise Data Warehouse

(Also EDW)

A centralized data repository, bringing data together from multiple disparate data sources (ERP, eCom, Analytics, Planning, etc.) for reporting and analysis.

Enterprise Resource Planning

(Also ERP)

Business management software that a company can use to collect, store, manage and interpret data from many business activities including: product planning, cost, manufacturing or service delivery, sales marketing, inventory management, shipping payment, human resources.


An organization that promotes the adoption and standardization of Electronic Product Code . Its focus is to create both a worldwide standard for Radio frequency identification tag  and the use of the Internet to share data via the EPCglobal Network.


(Also MasterCard, and Visa Standard, EMV, Chip and PIN, Chip and signature)

A payment standard for payment cards and payment terminals, requiring a chip. The chip can be connected to the terminal via surface contacts or via contact-less Radio Frequency Identification technology.

Extended attributes

An extended attribute represents additional custom information that you want to send to NewStore. You can add extended attributes to orders, order items, customers, products and categories.

For orders and order items, extended attributes can be added when orders are placed or when past orders and orders placed via external systems are imported. For example, if your user interface collects details about whether an item in the order must be gift wrapped, you can use an extended attribute to send this information to NewStore.

For customers, extended attributes can be added when a customer is created. For example, the customer’s consent to be sent advertising or marketing material can be forwarded to NewStore as an extended attribute.

For products and categories, extended attributes are added during the import process. For example, you can include extended attributes to define the terms that can be used to search for a product, on consumer applications.

Financial log

Log of all financial transactions. To maintain it, the Order Broker must synchronize order details with the ERP system to maintain the integrity of A/R and A/P (and all ledgers).

Fiscal printer

Some countries require that a separate printer is assigned for printing sales receipts and other order related documents, to stay compliant hardware Fiscal regulations . A fiscal printer also sends sales and tax related data to specified authority of the country where the retailer is operating in.

Fiscal regulations

Some countries have instituted fiscal tax laws to ensure proper recording and collection of taxes during checkout via cash registers or point of sale systems. These regulations specify requirements for features, impermissible functions, receipts, reporting, and certification. For a list of countries where NewStore helps retailers to comply with fiscal regulations, See Adding fiscal signatures to receipts .

Fiscal signature

When a retailer performs a transaction in a country that requires fiscalization, a digital signature may be required to be printed on the receipt to comply with Fiscal regulations . For more information, See Adding fiscal signatures to receipts .

Flash sales

A sales event that takes place for a short time and requires shoppers to complete the purchase as soon as possible.

Flexible reverse click and collect

Method where the optimal routing for the return is determined based on order rules (inventory levels, proximity, delivery cost, etc.). The customer is provided options for the exchange, based on timing and price.


(Also Cash float)

The amount of money in a Cash drawer . There are 2 types of float: Opening float and Closing float .

Fraud protection

Methods to detect a potentially fraudulent transaction and reject it. Typically, fraud protection is a separate service.

Fulfillment file processing

Passed the order file to Warehouse management system to broker Distribution center fulfillment.

Fulfillment location

A location that has ATP inventory for a product, and can fulfill an order. This can be a store or a warehouse or Distribution center . See Managing locations in NewStore .

Fulfillment request

A request sent to the Fulfillment location . This request is generated in the following cases:

  • DC fulfillment
  • store fulfillment
  • in-store purchase

See Integrating a fulfillment provider .

Future allocation

At NewStore, this refers to setting aside items at a specific fulfillment location on a future date, against a specific order that contains pre-ordered items. See Future allocations .

Full count

(Also Stocktake, Physical Inventory)

A complete count of all the items in a store, scheduled on Omnichannel Manager and counted in Associate App. If counted by a third party, it can be imported from a count file as stock import. A full count for a store is usually done once or twice a year. See Scheduling and performing full counts .

Full import

NewStore processes data imported into the platform via full import jobs or partial import jobs. A full import job at NewStore imports the data provided by the retailer and deletes all existing product data from the platform that did not match the new data being imported. A partial import job at NewStore imports the data provided by the retailer, and no existing product data is deleted during the import process.

Future ATP

(Also Future ATS)

The quantity of a product that can be promised for delivery on a future date. This number is calculated by subtracting the sum of all future Hard allocation from the Future stock on hand . See Available To Promise and Future inventory .

Future inventory

About inventory management that is scheduled to arrive into the Fulfillment location on a future date. Once the items arrive at the fulfillment location, they are added to the Stock on hand for the product at the location and are not considered future inventory anymore. In the NewStore platform, future inventory for a product can be set using a stock import. See Future inventory .

Future stock on hand

(Also Future on hand stock)

At NewStore, this term refers to the quantity of a stock-keeping unit that will be physically available to sell at a location, on a future date.

Future Stock on hand is used for routing and fulfilling orders if the current Stock on hand is 0.


(Also Gift card)

A monetary value, for example $100, to be spent at a certain retailer. See Integrating a gift card provider .


(Also Global Trade Item Number)

A world-wide unique number that identifies a product. This standard can express other numbering systems for specific industries, such as EAN, JAN, UPC and ISBN.

Hard allocation

At NewStore, this is called an allocation. Setting aside items at a specific fulfillment location, against a specific order. A Soft allocation is converted to an allocation when the order is routed to a fulfillment location. See Phase 2: Requesting fulfillment to the best fulfillment location .

Implementation partner

(Also Solution partner)

Third party that implements NewStore with our retailers/customers. Implementation scope can vary and may include for example creating a customer app, agency services, integrating to custom backend or 3rd party systems. Typical implementation partners are agencies or system integrators. Implementation partners will be organized in an Implementation Partner Program by the NS field team.

In-store pickup

A type of Service level where the customer places an order online and comes to the store of their choice to retrieve the order when it is ready.

In-store purchase

A purchase made by a customer in a store, which can be either a cash and carry, Endless aisle , or a Mixed cart order.

In-store stock level

The Stock level kept in a store. This stock level is more difficult to keep track of as it can suffer from several factors such as:

  • Replenishment issues: the warehouse sends the wrong quantities to the store. This can lead to discrepancies between what the ERP thinks is available in store and what is actually in the store.
  • Shipment processing delay: the sales associates let a shipment sit for a week before opening it.


The inventory moving from one store or warehouse to another store or warehouse. In-transit inventory is reported accordingly since neither the sending or the receiving locations carry it in their inventory.


Money received, typically on a regular basis, for work or through investments.

Initial stock import

When the store starts using NewStore to manage all inventory-related operations and data, as the first step, the inventory physically available for the store is imported into the NewStore platform with an initial stock import. See Choosing your inventory master .

Integrated supply chain

A network of suppliers and logistics providers that work and coordinate closely together with the retailer, to manufacture, transport, distribute, and sell retail goods. The cooperation includes frequent exchange of information and data such as stock-levels and production plans.


The complete list of goods in stock. In finance, an asset account to record movements in goods as a result of receipts, shipment, returns, or adjustments.

Inventory adjustment

Correction of inventory records to bring them into agreement with the findings of the actual (physical) goods on hand. In finance an asset account similar to inventory but reserved for adjustments.

Inventory audit trail

(Also Audit trail)

An inventory audit trail provides a complete report of inventory transactions and stock changes for products in the store. For all stores that use NewStore Inventory master , you can Monitoring stock on hand for products via NewStore Omnichannel Manager. At NewStore, an inventory audit trail typically includes transaction history for all Stock location in the store along with Stock on hand values, presented in a CSV file.

Inventory master

A software application, such as NewStore or an ERP, that can manage all inventory-related operations and data, including Stock on hand . NewStore only supports stores as inventory master. However, an ERP can have both stores and DCs as inventory master. See Choosing your inventory master .

Inventory turnover

(Also Inventory turns)

A measure of the number of times inventory is sold or used in a time period such as a year. Calculated as cost of goods sold divided by the average inventory.

Invoice bill

A statement of the sum due for a list of goods or services provided.

International Transaction Number

(Also ITN)

ITN is a unique number that identifies an international shipment. The ITN needs to be included in the shipment's Commercial invoice for customs processing. The ITN is typically provided by the associated shipping provider.

Keystone pricing

Pricing method of marking merchandise for resale to an amount that is double the wholesale price or cost of the product.

Last mile delivery

The shipment of a product that reaches the customer. Called the last mile to differentiate it from the shipment from warehouse to store or from production facility to distribution center to warehouse.

layaway, lay-by

An agreement between the retailer and customer for the retailer to hold an item for the shopper until it is paid in full.

letter of intent

LoI A document outlining agreements between two or more parties before the agreements are finalized.

Leveraged buy-out

Purchasing a company with borrowed funds.

Line busting

The ability to pay anywhere, from your own phone or from a mobile-enabled store associate, as opposed to the practice of lining up to make your purchase at a Point of Sale (or waiting for waitstaff to manage your payment in a restaurant).


A language and country or region identifier which sets determines how to display the content of a document. For example, how to format date and time.


A place from where the item can be fulfilled by the retailer or collected by the customer. Typically a Distribution center or a Retail store . See Managing locations in NewStore .

Loss leader

An item that is sold at a loss in order to attract more customers into the store.

Loss prevention

A set of practices used by retailers to reduce preventable losses or Shrinkage caused by deliberate (theft, fraud, vandalism, waste, abuse, or misconduct) or inadvertent (poorly executed or missing business processes) human actions.

Manufacturer Part Number

(Also MPN)

Identifier assigned to a product by the manufacturer. This number is typically different from the SKU, but sometimes relevant, like in the case of electronic goods.

Manufacturer suggested retail price

(Also MSRP)

The price suggested by the manufacturer.

Markdown price

(Also Sales price)

A special promotional price for a product.


A reduction in price or the difference between the Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price and the Sales Price.


The amount added to the cost price of goods to cover overheads and profit.

Master catalog

A central catalog where all product information is managed. Derivative catalogs are created for each channel. For the channel product information can be overwritten.

Master data

Provides a common point of reference for key data used across the organization. Customers will maintain a product or item master and a location master (for stores and DCs). They may also maintain a store-item master to capture store-item authorizations for sale. See Importing data .

Master product

A record that keeps common product data. For example in fashion the product that has variants in size and color, which are the stock-keeping-units, but design, categories, material and price are the same.

Media Asset Management

(Also MAM)

The management of multimedia such as images, graphics, video, and presentations.

Merchandise value

The value of goods sold in an transaction. This value includes promotions, but excludes tax and shipping costs.


Commercial goods sold in a store.


In NewStore, a mispack refers to when an associate finds the item damaged during packing. When the order is being fulfilled from a warehouse or DC, the quantity reported mispacked is deducted from the Available To Promise at the location, and related Hard allocation are also removed. The fulfillment request is rejected citing a reason such as no inventory, while the reason for mispack is displayed in NOM as cannot_fulfill. The Stock on hand values for the mispacked items at the location remain unchanged. See CSV columns in the order export , Order status in NewStore Omnichannel Manager.

However, when a store is fulfilling the order, when an item(s) is mispacked, the ATP for the product is reduced to 0 and a cycle count is triggered, if enabled for the store. See Mispacking order items .

In retail, a mispack can refer to a mistake in picking the item(s) to fulfill the order, provided the error is caught before shipping. For example, an item that was picked incorrectly, or in the wrong quantity of items or if the picked item is damaged item, or if packing material is unavailable.


(Also Short pick)

In NewStore, a mispick occurs when an item can't be found for fulfillment, even though NewStore displays the product as available at the location. The item is routed to another location, and the Available To Promise for the item is set to 0 at the location. See

CSV columns in the order export , Order status in NewStore Omnichannel Manager.

ATP for mispicked items is updated in the NewStore platform and also on the Catalog > Stock Levels page in NewStore Omnichannel Manager when you perform the following inventory transactions:

  • Receiving inventory, transfers, and adjustments
  • Customer returns

Mixed cart

Type of Shopping cart that contains one or more items physically available in the store where the order is placed, and one or more items available in a different store or DC. Remote items are shipped and physically available items are picked up by the customer after checkout.

Mobile device

A computer based device with constant Internet access, such as a smart phone, a tablet (while connected to a Wifi or cellular network).

Mobile payment

Payment made using a mobile device, instead of traditional forms of payment like cash or credit cards.

Mobile shopping

Purchasing goods or services using a mobile device.

Multichannel retailing

(Also Omnichannel retailing)

Selling through multiple channels to allow a customer to interact and engage with a retailer or brand. See Adding an endless aisle item and Importing orders .

Negative selling

An item is physically available in the store but the stock level is 0. When the item is sold, the inventory shows a negative value.

NewStore Checkout

A payment method available in NewStore Associate App, which allows customers to use their phone to pay using an electronic wallet such as Apple Pay, Google Pay or PayPal. See Choosing a payment option and Setting up NewStore Checkout with Adyen Pay By Link .

Niche retailing

Selling only to a specific market segment. For example Sunglass Hut, selling only sunglasses.

On-demand delivery

(Also Same day delivery)

Immediate or scheduled delivery of a shipment from a source to a destination. Typically, a single order is picked up as soon as it is available and transported to the destination w/o aggregation or tours. On-demand delivery has grown in popularity with crowdsourced services that make the per parcel service affordable for retailers and customers. See How shipping options are calculated .

Stock on hand

(Also On hand stock)

This term outside NewStore, refers to the quantity of a stock-keeping unit that is physically available to sell, at a location, including Hard allocation , Soft allocation , and Safety stock .

On the floor

The part of the store that is open to the shopping public, where merchandise is displayed.

Opening float

The cash amount available in the Cash drawer at the beginning of a business day. This cash is used to make change when a customer pays with cash or to give a customer cash back on returns when the original order was paid with cash. The opening float is typically the same as the Closing float from the previous business day. This amount is declared, often by a management associate, during the cash drawer open (start of day). Under certain circumstances, stores might increase or decrease the amount of the opening float when they expect increased traffic, for example during weekends or holiday seas. See Float and Closing float .


(Also Sales order, Sale, Purchase)

A promise to deliver or sell goods or services. In NewStore, an order can be created via NewStore Associate App or imported from other systems. See Order placement , Shopping cart , and Importing orders .

Order Management System

(Also OMS)

Software used to keep track of orders, customers, stock levels, packaging and shipping. See Integrating a fulfillment provider .

Order routing

(Also Sourcing and allocation)

The process of determining which store or distribution center will fulfill the order. See About order routing and Order status .


Activity of placing items into a shipping container.

Passive user

A customer who spends little time online.

Path to purchase

Describes the customer's decision journey and the points of influence along this journey.


A record of the payments a company receives.

PayIn allotment

The assignment between payment and one or more orders/items that are paid for with this payment. If the PayIn allotment covers the entire price of the item or order, then this item or order can be marked as paid.

Payment card industry data security standard

(Also PCI DSS)

A set of security requirements for credit card processors. An information security standard for organizations that handle branded credit cards from the major card schemes including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and JCB. Private label cards are not included in the scope of the PCI DSS.

Payment card reader

(Also Payment device)

The device that you connect to NewStore Associate App to collect card payments, during checkout. See Configuring Adyen payment card readers and Setting up payment service providers .

Payment gateway

A system that aggregates multiple payment systems into a common API. It receives payment details, validates and authorizes or declines payment.

Payment instrument

Concrete object used for payment, for example a Credit Card with a specific name, number and expiration date.

Payment method

The form of payment used for an order, for example Credit Card, PayPal, or Cash.

Payment option

An option that the associate can select in NewStore Associate App to accept payment from the customer. For example, payment can be accepted via a credit card reader, Giftcard , cash, or the customer's phone (NewStore Checkout ).

Payment origin

Defines how payment for an order originally took placed. For example via a payment device, NewStore Checkout , an eCom site, or other Point of sale systems.

Payment processing

The authorization and capture of payment through a 3rd party payment processor.

Payment service provider

(Also PSP)

A company that offers payment services to Merchants, offering different Payment Methods. Typically this is provided through offering a Payment Gateway.

Payment transaction

Recording any debit or credit on a payment instrument, for example and authorization, capture or refund.


A record of all payments made by the company to 3rd parties.

PayOut Allotment

A payment must be associated with multiple line items and in some cases with multiple orders. The allotment represents this assignment.

Physical Inventory

(Also Full Count, Stocktake)

A complete count of all the items in a store, scheduled on Omnichannel Manager and counted on the Associate App. If counted by a third party, then can be imported from a count file as Stock Import. A full count for a store is usually done once or twice a year. See About inventory management .

Pick list

The itemized instructions for a stock room worker with all items which must be picked for an order.


The activity of picking an item at a storage location.


A product positioning model to indicate how merchandise should be placed on shelves, etc. to help drive sales.

Point of sale

(Also POS)

The system used to complete a sales transaction. This includes the time and place where the transaction was completed.

Pop-up store

(Also Pop-up retail)

Short-term shop that pop up in a location in empty retail spaces or mall kiosks and disappears after a few days.

Postponement mass customization

The ability to postpone the customization as late as possible in the supply chain so that goods can be produced and customized to the customer's preferences.


An Order for an item placed before it is available for purchase. Retailers use pre-orders to allow customers to reserve a product and have it shipped to them immediately upon release. Retailers can also use pre-orders to forecast the demand for a product and manage inventory accordingly. See Managing pre-orders .

Pre-orders are different from backorders. See Backorder .

Prestige pricing

A strategy typically executed by high-end retailers to have an item priced at a high level to convey exclusivity, high quality, or luxury.

Price book

(Also Price list)

A collection of the price of each product for a given locale. See Importing data . A locale can also have several price books, for example to support several currencies. A price book is contained in a Catalog .


(Also Catalog price)

The amount of money expected, or given in payment for a product.

Priority orders

(Also Express orders)

Priority orders are the orders with a priority service level.

When priority orders are enabled in store fulfillment, NewStore allows the store associates to see any priority orders waiting to be fulfilled.


An article in the catalog, represented using an inventory identifier such as Stock-keeping unit , Electronic Product Code , or GTIN . In the NewStore platform, a product is derived from a Master product . Different from Sales order item . See Importing data .

Product identifier

(Also Product ID)

A unique number (or sequence of letters and numbers) assigned by a company to their product in the NewStore platform.

Product information management system

(Also PIM)

Central set of product information that is used to feed data and content to web sites, print catalogs, and ERPs.

product lifecycle management

A management strategy to optimize product life cycles by gathering and analyzing product data generated over time.

product lifecycle

Series of stages a product goes through as it hits the market.

Product information

Information about a product offered in a channel. Product information is only related to content, and not to price and availability. In the NewStore platform, a product is derived from a Master product .


(Also Customer profile)

A customer profile containing explicit information about the customer, such as their name, email address, phone and address. It may also be linked to dynamic information like purchase history and purchase volume.

Promotion code

A code which must be entered to trigger a specific promotion.


Any form of special offer to a customer to stimulate a sale or a larger sale. This can be a discount, free shipping, buy-two-get-one-for-free, or other offerings.

Proof of delivery

(Also POD)

A method to establish the fact that goods or documents have been delivered to the recipient.

Provider rate

In the context of shipping, a provider rate defines a provider able to deliver a specific Service level in a specific area. For example, the service level same day delivery can be provided by Deliv in Boston or Uber Rush in NYC. See How shipping options are calculated .

Purchase order

(Also PO)

A reference used during inventory replenishment or receiving.

Radio frequency identification tag

(Also Future RFID)

A device embedded in an item’s label or packaging, which stores information about the product and is primarily used for tracking purposes in inventory management and loss prevention.


In NewStore, a refund refers to the liability account to record refunds that have been generated, but not yet processed. A refund can relate to an Appeasement . To see how NewStore manages appeasements, See Refunding orders or items in an order .

Refund note

A document confirming the refund has been succesfully processed.

Relationship retailing

A strategy that builds loyalty and long-term relationships with customers by using customer data to constantly improve the customer's experience of the brand across sales channels.

Remorse period

(Also Grace period, Cooling-off period)

The configurable period of time following the placement of an order, when the customer may choose to cancel the order. This is also called a remorse period or cooling-off period. In NewStore, the grace period can be configured for the business as a whole or in the Service level set in the fulfillment configuration.

Remote selling

A Clienteling strategy that helps retailers perform product sales remotely by sharing remote carts via NewStore Associate App. Retailers can use NewStore Associate App to perform remote selling operations. As part of remote selling via NewStore Associate App, associates can manage remote carts and share them with customers. Customers can view the items in the remote cart, make payments, and receive receipts automatically via NewStore Associate App.

For more information, see Working with remote carts .


The movement of inventory from a warehouse/distribution center to a store. Inventory can be received against an Advance Shipment Notice or other references. See the Inventory and see how to Receiving inventory with NewStore Associate App. Do not confuse this term with Transfer .

Refund option

An option that the associate can select in NewStore Associate App to refund a payment to the customer. For example, refund options at NewStore include a physical or electronic Giftcard , the original Payment option , or a card presented for refund by the customer. The list of refund options can be modified by updating the payment extension points.

Retail store

(Also Store)

A retail store where goods are sold and where inventory may be stored to process fulfillment.

Return authorization, RA, RMA, return merchandise authorization

A unique identifier used to track an item that has been authorized for return (refund or replacement) by a customer.

Return order item

An item to be returned, as tracked by a return order.

Return order

An order used to track returning goods.

Return receipt

A document stating the goods returned and the amount to be refunded.


A revenue account to record negative sales as a result of credit notes for returns of merchandise. See Returning items .

Ringing associate

A ringing associate is the store associate who was logged into Associate App during a checkout and made the sale.


A runner in a store is an associate in a support function, where they are responsible for promptly delivering products to the sales floor as needed, ensuring a smooth shopping experience for customers.

The runner in a store particularly helps display only a SKU of a specific product style, either due to the brand design, nature of the product, or store layout, while keeping the remaining inventory in the stock room.

Safety stock

The quantity of items that cannot be promised for delivery and is set aside as a safety measure against overselling. See Monitoring stock levels .

Sales associate

(Also Store associate, Sales advisor, Associate)

A customer-facing store employee who assists the customer in making a purchase, and is an influencer in the customer's experience of the brand.

Sales order item

(Also Item)

A line item in a sales order or a specific unit of a given product. Different from Product .

Sales per square foot

A key metric in retail, this measures the average revenue a retail business generates for every square foot of sales space.

Sales receipt

The receipt given and sent to a customer for payment in a retail store.

Sales tax

A tax paid to a governing body for the sales of certain goods and services. Usually laws allow or require the seller to collect funds for the tax from the customer at the point of purchase. Used for example in the US.


Grouping of customers to improve customer experience. Segmentation is also used to group customers by demographic or buying behavior to make marketing campaigns more effective.

Self checkout

(Also Self-serve)

A system where customers select and pay for goods themselves.

Serial number

A number unique to each individual item of a product.

Serialised inventory

The process of identifying each product item with a unique serial number. To serialise inventory or not is a business decision that a retailer makes. For example, retailers may use serial numbers to adhere to regulations and mandates, or only to identify products in a higher price range. Serialised inventory allows retailers to track individual purchases for warranty claims and identify damaged items.

Service level

In the context of shipping, the service level is the customer-facing Shipping option such as Standard, Express, Same-day or In-store pickup. See How shipping options are calculated .

Ship from distribution center

(Also SFDC, DC fulfillment)

Fulfilling an order from a Distribution center , as opposed to fulfilling from a store. See Integrating a fulfillment provider .

Ship from store

(Also Store fulfillment, SFS)

The ability of a brand to fulfill online orders from a retail store.


(Also Delivery)

The delivery/shipment of goods sent to a customer.

Shipping address

The address where goods are sent to. A shipping address is composed of a postal address and a phone number.

shipping and handling

(Also SH)

A revenue account to record sales as a result of invoices for shipment of merchandise.

Shipping option

(Also Shipping method, Shipping rate, Shipping offer)

Defines the service level and/or carrier used for shipping, such as UPS Next Day or only Priority delivery. It is typically chosen by the customer during the last step of order placement. See How shipping options are calculated and Adding delivery options .

Shopping cart

(Also Shopping bag, Cart)

A physical or virtual cart or bag used by a customer to collect multiple items for purchase. See Creating a shopping cart .

Shipping provider

(Also Delivery provider, Shipping carrier)

An external provider offering shipping services. For example, UPS, FedEx, DHL. See Integrating a shipping provider .

Shipping zone

A specific geographical area where you can offer Shipment , using supported Fulfillment location that can fulfill orders to specified postal codes in this area. For example, you can create a shipping zone named California in the US, and use two fulfillment locations to ship orders to all postal codes starting with 90.


The practice of visiting a shop or shops in order to examine a product before buying it online at a lower price.


A reduction of inventory that is not a result of true sales but rather the difference between the amount of stock on paper and the actual, available stock.

Simply interactors

One of the five global key online personality types/shopping personas. This persona is one of the most dedicated social networkers, yet they are not particularly tech-savvy customers. They research online but prefer to shop in-store.

Social commerce

(Also S-commerce)

Type of commerce that incorporates social media, user-generated content, or social interaction. S-Commerce does not have to end in sales but

Single Sign-On

(Also SSO)

A shared authentication scheme that allows users to log into multiple applications with the same user ID and password. With SSO, users can access all NewStore applications with the same corporate credentials assigned by a retailer. Examples of SSO solutions supported by NewStore include Microsoft Azure Active Directory and Google Business.

See Configuring identity and access management .

Soft allocation

(Also Reservation)

Earmarking goods for a configurable amount of time, at a store or Distribution center , after an order is placed in the platform. A reservation expires if the order is not completed when the configured time has elapsed. When the item is routed, the reservation is changed to an Hard allocation . See About order routing .

Solely shoppers

One of the five global key online personality types/shopping personas. This online persona is characterized by their reliance on the Internet for savvy shopping research and purchases. Making up 21% of all customers online, the majority (90%) of these Internet users research products online before buying and half use their mobile phone to price check in-store in order to get the best deals. Surprisingly, they have low awareness of target marketing - as only 37% know that social media sites use their personal data to inform ads.

Split order

Order fulfilled from multiple locations.

Standard price

The normal price at which a product is sold.

Stock in stock

In NewStore, this value is the quantity of a SKU that is imported into a location. This quantity does not decrement the sold quantity, and remains the same till the next stock import. See

Exporting stock levels

Stock-keeping unit

(Also SKU)

A unique identifier for a particular product. The SKU is equivalent to the GTIN.

Stock level

The record where the current level of items in a stock room, retail location or warehouse is stored. See Monitoring stock levels .

Stock location

(Also Virtual location)

The locations created within a store to manage the sellable inventory by moving the unsellable inventory to other stock locations. See Stock locations .


(Also Full Count, Physical Inventory)

A complete count of all the items in a store, scheduled on Omnichannel Manager and counted on Associate App. If counted by a third party, then can be imported from a count file as Stock Import. A full count for a store is usually done once or twice a year. See About inventory management .

Storage bin

A specific place in a stock room or warehouse, like a section in a shelf, for storing goods.

Storage location

A physical address, building or room where goods are stored. This is typically either a retail store, a warehouse, or a 3PL provider.


The image shown for the color or pattern of an item, typically an apparel product.


VAT or sales tax applicable to the order.

Tax rate

The actual tax rate in percent either for Value-Added Tax or Sales Tax.

Technology partner

Third party that offers complementary services and technology to NewStore's retailers and integrates using the NewStore APIs. This applies regardless who implements the integration.

Retailer tenant

A brand or company hosted on the NewStore platform.

Third party logistics provider

(Also 3PL)

A company that operates a warehouse and offers outsourcing of logistic services to a retailer.

Tracking number

The number on the shipping label on the Shipment , provided by the Shipping provider . The shipping label is put on the carton that is shipped, so the carton can be tracked by the retailer.


The movement of inventory from one store to another store or warehouse/distribution center. See the About inventory management and see how to Transferring inventory with NewStore Associate App. Do not confuse this term with Receiving .

Transfer order

An order to transfer the inventory from a location to another. It is created by the ERP or the store in need of the inventory. See About inventory management .

Uneven exchange

Situation when the product being returned is different than its replacement product in the exchange. This may then require a financial reconciliation. See Exchanging items .

Unified brand experience

Concept of creating a consistent brand or identity throughout multiple channels or platforms, including brick-and-mortar, e-commerce, mobile or sales through social media. In this concept, retailers and brands deliver the same messages and give the same great experience, regardless of where they are encountered.

Universal Product Code

(Also UPC)

UPC (used interchangeably with UPC-A) is a 12-digit number unique number that identifies a product. UPCs are part of the GTIN standard and are more commonly used in the United States and in Canada.


The suggestion of a more luxurious or higher-end equivalent to the currently selected product.

Value-added tax

(Also Goods and services tax, VAT)

A popular way of implementing a consumption tax in Europe, Japan, and many other countries. It differs from the sales tax in that taxes are applied to the difference between the seller-purchased price and the resale price.

Variant group

A group of variants that only differ in attributes like color and size. A variant group is a virtual concept and therefore doesn't have a SKU. It still has an identifier.


A variant is a specific version of a product, which can vary in attributes like color and size. A variant can be sold and has a SKU. For example, Taylor Pumps Black in Size 5 is a variant and has a different SKU.


A third-party entity that manufactures and/or sells products to the retailer.

Verified return

A return operation that references an existing order in NewStore or an external OMS.

Virtual allocation

At NewStore, a virtual Hard allocation allows you to set aside items at a specific fulfillment location, against a specific order even when no stock for the product is available in the NewStore platform. For example, if there is no stock available for a product at a fulfillment location in the NewStore platform, and a customer wants to make an in-store purchase or an order is manually routed to the location, NewStore creates a virtual allocation to enable fulfillment.

Visual merchandising

The art and profession of designing retail floor plans, websites, and displays with the end goal of maximizing sales.


(Also Digital Wallet)

A place where information about payment instruments like a credit card is stored.

Warehouse management system

(Also WMS)

A critical system used to manage the day-to-day operations within a warehouse. It tracks the movement of goods into, within and out of the warehouse, covering warehouse receipts of goods, inventory storage and management within the warehouse and shipment of goods from the warehouse (to customers, stores or other warehouses). In many cases, it manages an enterprises network of warehouses.


A way to integrate with NewStore. A webhook is an event (callback) that is prototyped and triggered by NewStore and whose logic can be handled by the customer (i.e. by the means of a HTTP call).


The practice of viewing products online before buying them in brick-and-mortar stores. Not to be confused with Showrooming .

White glove service

A high standard of service, typically reserved for loyal, repeat customers. This might include personalized offers, special packaging and delivery options, in-store engagement and offers.

Wish list

A list of items maintained by the customer in the mobile app or the Web site, and also accessible by the sales associates in the store.