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Monitoring statuses

When an order is placed in your business, the sales order is displayed in NewStore Omnichannel Manager. Use the Sales tab to monitor orders and ensure that an order is taken through to completion.

Click the Sales tab to display the list of orders. The order status and other information such as the order ID, how and when the order was placed, the associate and the customer who placed the order, the demand location, the fulfillment type and location, the shipping carrier, payment totals, and discounts are displayed in different columns.

To manage the columns you want to display in this table, click

. Add or remove columns, to include the details that you need, in the table.

Order status​

The order status indicates how far along the order is in the fulfillment process, starting from order creation till the order is completed. The Status column on the Sales > Orders page shows the most advanced state of the order, taking the status of each order item into consideration.

PendingThe order has been created and will be routed after the grace period.
RoutingThe order is being routed to a fulfillment location, which can be aDC or a store.
AcceptedThe fulfillment request for items in the order has been accepted by the distribution center.
PickingItems in the order are being picked by an associate.


One or more items in the order are no longer available at the store. The order will be rerouted to another fulfillment location (DC or store), and the ATP for the mispicked item is set to 0, at the store. However, the ATP is also updated based on some inventory transactions. For more information, see Monitoring stock for mispicked items .

On Hold

The order needs attention before it can progress through the workflow. The possible issues and their workarounds are:

  • Orders with an Insufficient Inventory error can be automatically routed or managed on the On Hold Orders page.
  • Orders with a Booking Delivery Invalid Address error can be managed on the On Hold Orders page.
  • For orders with Booking Delivery Unexpected Error andBooking Delivery Validation Error, contact the support team.

For more information, see Managing On Hold orders .

PackingItems in the order are being packed.


One or more items in the order were found damaged. The order isrerouted , and the ATP is reduced to exclude the damaged item(s), at the store. The stock on hand value for the item remains unchanged.

PrintingThe shipment was booked with the shipping provider and the documents that come with the package are being printed by the associate.
Awaiting pickupOne or more items in the order have been packed and awaiting pickup by the carrier. After this state, the order cannot be canceled.
Partially shippedOne or more items in the order have been shipped. A partially shipped order might contain items that were rejected. Check the status of each item for details.
Partially rejectedOne or more items in the order were rejected by the fulfillment location.
ShippedOne or more items in the order were picked up by the carrier.
In TransitOne or more items in the order are in transit. This is a step in the shipping provider's delivery workflow.
Out for deliveryOne or more items in the order are out for delivery. This is a step in the shipping provider's delivery workflow.
CompleteItems in the order have been delivered to the customer. Seen asDelivered in the order export. This is only shown for in-store purchase orders.
Partially ReturnedOne or more items in the order were returned.
ReturnedAll items in the order were returned.
CanceledOne or more items in the order have been canceled, or the complete order has been canceled.
FailedThe order has failed due to a payment-related problem. Contact the support team for more details.

Order item status​

To see the status of items in an order, go to Sales > Orders page and click the Order ID. The status of each item is displayed in the Status column. Click the status to see the fulfillment activity for the item.

PendingThe order that contains the item has been created and is currently in grace period, upon expiration of configured grace period, the order will be routed.
RoutingThe item is being routed to a fulfillment location, which can be aDC or a store.
AcceptedThe fulfillment request for the item has been accepted by the distribution center.
PickingThe item is being picked by an associate.


The item is no longer available at the store. The order will bererouted to another fulfillment location (DC or store), and the ATP for the mispicked item is set to 0, at the store.

RefusedThe fulfillment location refused fulfillment for the item because other items in the order were mispicked or mispacked. For example, if the associate reported a mispack or a mispick for 1 out of 5 items in the order, the item status for the remaining 4 items in the order is changed to Refused.
CapturedThe order for the item has been captured in the platform by NewStore, and has been moved to the retailer's external OMS for fulfillment.
Cannot fulfillThe fulfillment location cannot fulfill the order containing the item.

On Hold

The item has been put on hold and needs attention because there is an error when booking a shipment with the shipping provider or when there is insufficient inventory for the order items. To manage On Hold items in an order, see Managing On Hold orders or contact the support team.

For orders fulfilled by a DC, when an item is rejected in a fulfillment request, the status of the item changes toOn Hold in NewStore Omnichannel Manager. However, the rejected item is processed in NewStore Omnichannel Cloud only after all the other items in the fulfillment request have been processed.

PackingThe item is being packed by the associate.


The item was reported damaged at the location. The order is rerouted , and the ATP is reduced to exclude the damaged item(s), at the store. The stock on hand value for the item remains unchanged.

PrintingThe shipment was booked with the shipping provider and the documents that come with the package are being printed by the associate.
Awaiting pickupThe item is ready to be shipped and is awaiting pickup by the carrier. After this state, the order cannot be canceled.
ShippedThe item was picked up by the carrier.
In TransitOne or more items in the order are in transit. This is a step in the shipping provider's delivery workflow.
Out for deliveryThe item is out for delivery. This is a step in the shipping provider's delivery workflow.
DeliveredThe item was delivered to the customer.
CollectedThe item was collected by the customer.
ReturnedThe item was returned.
CanceledThe item was canceled.
FailedThe order containing the item has failed due to a payment-related problem. Contact the support team for more details.


The item was manually marked as rejected using this API. The item was manually rescinded from this fulfillment location and will be automatically rerouted. The item will be rerouted to another fulfillment location (DC or store). We will not reduce ATP for the rescinded item at the location where the item was rescinded from.

Discount details​

There are 2 types of applied discounts that are displayed in the order details:

  • Order level discounts: Applied and prorated across all the products in the order.
  • Item level discounts: Applied to one or more specific products in the order.

For each order, you can find the catalog price, the total applied discount(s) per product and the resulting discounted price.

On the Order detail page, information about the discount applied to an order is displayed in the amount total. To see details of product discounts, click the discount value in the Discount column.

The following discount details are displayed:

  • The reason for the discount, if it was entered.
  • The coupon code for the applied discount, if the discount was redeemed via a coupon code.
  • The percentage discount applied via NewStore Associate App.

To see the order discount amount that was prorated across a particular product, click the discount value in the Discount column.

Payment status​

Authorization PendingThe authorization is being verified.
Authorization Failed

The credit card issuer declined the authorization. The operation can be retried .

The issue happens because of one the following reasons:

  • The payer credit card's information is incorrect. If it is correct, the customer should contact their card issuer to verify their billing information and attempt the payment again by placing a new order.
  • The required funds are not available on the card.
  • There was a technical issue (integration).

The transaction has been authorized.

The total amount of the transaction is deducted and held from the customer’s credit line account but not transferred yet.

Capture PendingThe capture is being processed.
Capture FailedThe credit card issuer declined the capture. The operation can be retried .
CapturedThe funds have been transferred from the credit card.
RefundedThe amount has been returned to the customer's credit card.
Refund PendingThe refund is being processed.
Refund FailedThe refund operation failed. The operation can be retried .
IssuedStore credit has been issued in the context of an item exchange.

The authorization of the transaction has been voided. The authorized amount has been released on the customer's credit line account.

This happens when the order has been canceled entirely or completely.

Technically, Voided is known as Revoked. See Revoke .

Void failedThe attempt to void the authorization on the customer's credit line account has failed due to a technical issue.
Void pendingAn attempt to void the authorization on the customer's credit line account has been requested. This happens when the order has been canceled. This status is temporary for as long as the response to the void request was not received.

Payment details​

Orders that were created in a platform other than NewStore Omnichannel Cloud can display a Processed field in their payment details in addition to the payment's Date and Time field:

The Processed field represents the date when payment was processed by the payment processor. The Date and Time field represents the date when NewStore Omnichannel Cloud processed the payment.

Refund status​

An order can be fully or partially refunded via NewStore Omnichannel Manager.

IssuedThe refund has been successfully completed.
PendingThe refund is being processed. Refresh the page later to check the result of the operation.
FailedThe refund has failed. Refer to the error message in the refund details for more information.

Sometimes an appeasement might be approved before the payment is captured for the order. For example, when the product has not been shipped yet and an appeasement has been issued. Check the order Timeline. The appeasement refund is displayed as Pending until sufficient payment has been captured for the order. When subsequent appeasements are requested for the order, the Pending appeasements are included in the Previously refunded total.