To allow associates in your store to perform clienteling operations via
NewStore Associate App, enable clienteling in the store via NewStore
Omnichannel Manager.
Once you enable clienteling in a store, you cannot disable it.
To enable clienteling in a store in your business:
Go to Settings > Clienteling, and in the left menu, select
Clienteling stores.
Click Onboard a store.
In the Onboard a new store window, from the Store drop-down
list, select a store that you want to enable clienteling in.
From the Select SMS number drop-down list, select the phone number
you want to use to send and receive clienteling messages.
Verify the phone number displayed in Forward calls, where calls
from customers will be forwarded.
Usually, this phone number is the store landline number.
Select the Enable clienteling checkbox and click Save.
The store is added to the list of onboarded stores, and clienteling
is enabled in the store.
To start clienteling operations, associates must log out of NewStore
Associate App and log in again.
If you do not select the Enable clienteling checkbox before you click
Save, the store is onboarded, but clienteling is not enabled in the
store. To enable clienteling for such stores, see Enabling clienteling for onboarded stores .
When onboarding a store to Clienteling, some issues may occure.
Store not appearing in the Onboard a Store drop-down menu​
First check that the store in question has a valid phone number configured. Once a valid phone number is configured to the store it should appear on the Onboard a Store drop-down menu.
If the store has a valid phone number and is still not appearing in the Onboard a Store drop-down menu, open a support ticket and indicate the store ID and stage.
No number is shown in the Select SMS number drop-down menu​
If no number is being displayed in the Select SMS number drop-down menu, open a support ticket and indicate the store ID and stage.
To view the default opt-in message request and the quick replies that
associates can send to customers as part of clienteling, go to
Settings > Clienteling > SMS Templates.
The quick replies are displayed to associates in NewStore Associate App
according to the order in which they are listed in NewStore Omnichannel
The default opt-in message is set up by NewStore for the first time for
your business. You can choose to update the opt-in message if needed.
This is the first message that is sent to the customer, and is crucial
to start clienteling messages from NewStore. Ensure that you know the
communication policies for your business before you update the opt-in
To update the opt-in message:
Go to Settings > Clienteling, and in the left menu, select
Quick Replies.
In the Opt-in request area, click the opt-in message.
To add new quick replies to the list of available templates:
Go to Settings > Clienteling, and in the left menu, select
Quick Replies.
In the Quick replies area, click the empty dialog box at the
bottom of the list.
In Title, specify the title of the quick reply and in Message,
specify the content of the quick reply template.
Click Save.
The quick reply template is added to the list of available templates in
NewStore Omnichannel Manager. Associates can select this message to send
to customers in your business.