Managing events and Event Stream integrations
NewStore allows you to receive near real-time data from the NewStore platform via NewStore Event Stream. The event stream consists of all the events emitted by the entities of the platform. Each event contains data that can be integrated, persisted and aggregated in your data warehouse.
: Represents a business concept that emits events. Example:order
orfulfillment request
: Represents a key moment of the life time of an entity. Example:order created
,order canceled
orfulfillment request assigned
. All the events are described in detail in the Event stream webhooks documentation.
For more information on Event Stream and how it works with integrations at NewStore, see the integration guide .
Omnichannel Manager allows you to view all your integrations set up to work with Event Stream, and also allows you to create new integrations that can consume NewStore events for data aggregation and processing.
Viewing integrations​
To view all existing Event Stream integrations that you have set up for your business, log into
NOM and go to Tools
> Event Stream
. All integrations are displayed in the All
To view all active Event Stream integrations, click Active
, and to view all paused or inactive
Event Stream integrations, click Paused
To switch an Event Stream integration to Active
state or to Pause
it, click the toggle button
on the right for the relevant integration.
To delete an Event stream integration, click Delete
for the relevant integration.
Viewing integration events and logs​
For every integration, you can view the list of events involved in the integration, including rejected events, and the logs for the integration.
Viewing events​
For an Event stream integration, from the Actions
drop-down menu, click View Events
. The list of events
published by NewStore for the integration is displayed. This list can be filtered by the Domain Entity ID
the status of the event, as well as a specific time period.
The page has the following columns:
: The ID and type of event, such as471278c7-dee8-4de5-8383-d8e50ede1c3f
as the ID andfulfillment_request.assigned
as the type of event.Domain Entity ID
: The domain-specific ID of the event in the platform. For example, for orders this is specified as the order ID.Status
: Can either beSuccess
, based on whether the event was emitted successfully by the platform or not.Attempted at
: The time when the event was emitted by the platform.
Viewing rejected events​
For an Event stream integration, from the Actions
drop-down menu, click View Rejected Events
The list of events rejected by the ERP or data warehouse you have set up to consume events emitted
by NewStore is displayed. Use these events to reconcile or audit the order events that were not available
or missing in your integration.
The page has the following columns:
: The ID of the rejected event.Created at
: The time when the event was rejected.
Viewing integration logs​
For an Event stream integration, from the Actions
drop-down menu, click View Logs
The logs for the integration are displayed, which includes these columns:
: Displays whether the integration was stopped or started.Reason
: Why and how the integration was started or stopped.Created at
: The time when the log for the integration was created.
Creating a new integration​
To create an Event Stream integration, click New Integration
and follow these steps:
In the
Integration Details
Integration ID
, specify a unique ID for the integration.In
Integration Type
, specify if the integration isPermanent
integration has noEnd Date
specified, but aTemporary
integration will stop consuming events on a specific date.
In the
area, select the preferred events you want the integration to consume as emitted by NewStore, and make available for viewing in NOM later.For example, select
to add all (currently supported) order related events, or select specific order events such asorder.created
from the list.noteYou can add as many events as you want to an integration, but we recommend that for each integration, you only add relevant and related events to make it easier to audit and view later. For example, create an integration that consumes all
related events, and a separate integration that consumes allfulfillment_request
related events.In the
Integration Target
area, select the integration target that will consume events. This can be either aWebhook
or an AWSS3
bucket. See this guide for more information on which integration target to choose.For a webhook, specify the
Callback URL
and the requiredAPI Key
for the integration to be able to consumer and retain events.For an AWS S3 bucket, specify the
AWS Access Key
,AWS Secret Key
,AWS Region
, the name of the S3 bucket inS3 Bucket Name
, and theKey Prefix
to finish setting up the integration and start consuming NewStore events.
Selecting the right integration target​
We recommend using AWS S3 buckets to deliver events, and S3 as the default option when possible. NewStore prepares events in batches, which are delivered when they either total 50 megabytes in size, or 5 minutes have elapsed since the previous batch was sent. This allows the S3 integration target to send large amounts of events to your data warehouse with a manageable latency. The more events you have, the faster you'll get them.
HTTP webhooks have a performance target to be delivered within 15 minutes, but the vast majority of events are delivered within only a few seconds. This makes the integration type most suitable for lower volumes of events that you want to process as soon as possible. As event volumes increase, your capacity to receive them must increase too. NewStore uses limited concurrency to send multiple events in parallel. However, the connection latency limits the amount of total events NewStore can send per second, before delays start building up.
Updating an existing integration​
To update an existing integration, from the Actions
drop-down menu, click Edit Integration Details
When updating an integration, you can only update the events you want to consume and the AWS or webhook details, based on what you chose as an integration target space when creating the integration.
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