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Stock Locations (0.1)

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An API to manipulate the numbers of inventory in StockLocations (a.k.a. Virtual Locations) by adding StockChanges.

Return configuration

Enables you to include an item returned to your store in a specific stock location, based on whether the returned item is salable or not. You can also use this resource to create a return configuration.

Stock locations

Represents the types of stock locations configured for your business. Stock locations are virtual or physical locations that hold salable or unsalable stock. NewStore uses stock locations to manage inventory and calculate stock on hand in your store(s), when NewStore is enabled as inventory master for the store.

Important: Do not confuse this resource with the Locations resource. This resource represents only physical locations configured in your business, such as a store or DC, that you operate from.

You can configure each stock location to allow its stock to be included in stock on hand calculations or not. See stock locations. For example, you can set up a stock location only for damaged goods, and ensure the stock on hand of your store does not include these goods.

Note: When you create a location for your business, the salable stock location will be created by default, if there is no salable stock location type exists then the main stock location type is created for the location by default. The salable property for the main stock location is always set to true.

To create stock locations that are available for all stores in your business, use the Create stock location method. For a guide on creating stock locations, see the tutorial.

List stock locations

Retrieves a list of stock locations configured for your business.


Response samples

Content type
  • "stock_locations": [

Create stock location

Creates a stock location that is available for all stores configured for your business. We only support one stock location that is salable - main, which you need to create first. Other stock locations will not be salable. Important: This method creates a virtual stock location. To create a physical location, run a new stock import.

Request Body schema: application/json

The human readable display name of the stock location. This name is visible in NewStore Fulfillment App, NOM, and other fulfillment related reports.


The unique name of the stock location. Must be in lowercase and can contain numbers, hyphens, or ASCII characters.


Request samples

Content type
  • "display_name": "Damaged goods",
  • "name": "damaged"

Response samples

Content type
  • "display_name": "Damaged goods",
  • "name": "damaged"

Get stock location

Retrieves the stock location with the specified name.

path Parameters

The name of the stock location. To retrieve the name, use the List stock locations method.


Response samples

Content type
  • "display_name": "Main",
  • "name": "main",
  • "salable": true

Update stock location

Updates a stock location that is available for all stores configured for your business. Only the display name is configurable at this point.

path Parameters

The name of the stock location. To retrieve the name, use the List stock locations method.

Request Body schema: application/json

The human readable display name of the stock location. This name is visible in NewStore Fulfillment App, NOM, and other fulfillment related reports.


Request samples

Content type
  • "display_name": "1st Quality"

Stock on Hand

Stock of all products in a store

Retrieves stock quantities of all products in a store across all stock locations.

path Parameters
Example: 7c9f2605-9fb3-5444-8fee-47fe51608efe

The store in which to search for the stock of the product.

query Parameters

Allows returning only the stock on hand changed since the provided timestamp.


Allows returning only the products in sellable stock locations.


Response samples

Content type
  • {

Stock of a single product in a store

Retrieves stock quantities of a specific product in a store across all stock locations.

path Parameters
Example: 7c9f2605-9fb3-5444-8fee-47fe51608efe

The store in which to search for the stock of the product.

Example: PRODUCT-ID-1

The product to search for in a store across all stock locations.


Response samples

Content type
  • {

Return process configuration

Get return configuration

Retrieves the return configuration set up for your business. This includes condition codes and their related stock locations.

Note: This method only retrieves condition codes that have been mapped to stock locations using the return configuration. Any other condition codes configured for your business are ignored.

A condition code identifies the condition of a returned item. The condition code is specified when processing a return via NewStore Associate App, or using the Create return method.

NewStore creates condition codes for your business. To retrieve the list of condition codes configured for your business, contact the support team.

Related resources:

Related methods:


Response samples

Content type
  • "return_process_configuration": [

Create or update return configuration

Creates a return configuration for your business. This configuration enables you to include a returned item in the specified stock location in your store, using the condition code for the return.

A condition code identifies the condition of a returned item. The condition code is specified when processing a return via NewStore Associate App, or using the Create return method.

NewStore creates condition codes for your business. To retrieve the list of condition codes configured for your business, contact the support team.

Note: You can only create a return configuration to manage returned items in stores, not DCs.

If you include a returned item identified as salable in a stock location that contains salable stock, the stock on hand for the store increases.

Note: By default, a returned item is included in the main stock location and considered salable if:

  • No condition code is specified when creating a return.
  • You have not created stock locations for your business.
  • You have not set up a return configuration for your business.

Related resources:

Related methods:

Request Body schema: application/json

The condition code for the return reason.


Revision of the return configuration. Starts with 1 and is incremented on each update. The return configuration is updated only when the new revision number is greater than the current revision number in the database.


The name of the stock location. The stock location must be already configured for all stores in your business.


Request samples

Content type
  • "condition_code": 1,
  • "revision": 1,
  • "stock_location_name": "main"

Response samples

Content type
  • "condition_code": 1,
  • "revision": 1,
  • "stock_location": {