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Safety Stock API (1.0.0)

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Represents the store's stock.

Get safety stock.

Retrieves a CSV file with the safety stock for all products across all fulfillment location(s) in your business.



Response samples

Content type

Product and location safety stock retrieved successfull.

Product ID,Location,Safety Stock

Set safety stock.

Sets the safety stock for all products in the specified fulfillment location(s). You can also use this method to set a safety stock for specific products in a fulfillment location. The provided CSV uses "," (comma) as a separater and must contain the following columns:

  • "Product ID"
  • "Location"
  • "Safety Stock"

Values for "Prduct ID" and "Location" should be quoted to allow leading zeros and special characters, e.g. "US-01" as location name. Please ensure that values are not double-quoted, e.g. ""Product ID"" is invalid.

To set safety stock for all products in a fulfillment location, leave the "Product ID" value blank.

See this example CSV for more information. You can upload a new or updated CSV file with a maximum size of 10 MB.

Once you set the safety stock for products in a location, NewStore updates the ATP for these products and does not wait for the next stock import.

Important: The time to update ATP depends on the size of the safety stock file, how many products are affected, and if data from other fulfillment locations or tenants are being processed in parallel. It can take up to multiple hours.

To verify if the safety stock was set correctly, check the safety stock levels for the specified products in NewStore Omnichannel Manager.


  1. If the safety stock file contains information for a product for which we don't have ATP information, the safety stock data will only be applied once NewStore received stock import or cycle count.

  2. If the provided safety stock CSV file contains duplicate Location or Product safety stock entries, the last encountered value will be applied.

Request Body schema: text/csv
string <binary>


Response samples

Content type

The provided product safety stock file is missing one of the following columns:

  • "Product ID"
  • "Location"
  • "Safety Stock"
  • "message": "The column 'Product ID' is missing in the CSV file.",
  • "request_id": "1235a3d3-1884-4e95-9926-d7253edb4f7f"

Get last safety stock update status.

Retrieves the status of the last safety stock update.

To update or specify the safety stock for specific products in fulfillment locations across your business, use the Set safety stock method.



Response samples

Content type
  • "status": "in_progress"