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Using a membership pricebook

You can enable NewStore Associate App to apply certain prices for customers with a membership in your business. When adding such a customer to the cart, the default prices are overridden by the membership pricebook prices. For these prices to work, the customer needs to have an extended attribute membership_no assigned to the profile.

Membership pricebooks can be used to apply special or discounted prices for customers, as a privilege for membership subscribers in your business.

You can create a separate membership pricebook for each pricebook that has been set up for your business.

Setting up the form field​

You can configure the membership form field. This form appears when creating or updating a customer profile.

To view and edit the extended attribute membership_no in the membership form, you have to create a customization for the customer profile. For more information, see Managing Associate App customizations .

Enabling membership pricebooks​

By default membership pricebooks are disabled for your business.

To enable membership pricebooks:

  1. Use the Update app configuration method.
  2. Set customizations > membership_customers_enabled to true.

Setting up membership pricebooks​

When creating a membership pricebook, ensure that its name matches the membership_<default-pricebook> pattern. In this pattern, <default-pricebook> is the name of the default pricebook that supports the respective membership pricebook.

The membership pricebook must also contain every single product of the default pricebook, even if a membership price is not available for some products. Failing to do so may lead to errors in the cart that are difficult to resolve.

To set up membership pricebooks in NewStore Associate App, see this tutorial on creating pricebook data .